You starting dating someone new, and things are going smooth. The ‘honeymoon’ period they call it. Those morning and evening texts are flowing, the dates are frequent and the smiles aren’t fading.
So when do you become official?
Each to their own, everyone knows there is no clear guide on how to date or be in a relationship. Every relationship is a different combination depending on who is in it. So how do you gauge when to give yourselves a 'title' and be together ‘officially’?
Time scales
Everyone is different and these things vary, while some people would wait three months, others wait six, and some just dive straight it. But what are you really waiting for? Obviously there has to be that time that you get to know each other, see that you’re compatible, before you can become an item. But in this day and age where most people are just seeing each other or ‘dealing’ how often is it that you actually get to that point? Don't most people just end up parting ways and there you are not even being able to call them your ex.
Leaving it too long
Like I said before, what are you waiting for. Personally it's black and white…you either get married or break up (God forbid any other tragic possibilities), so if you can see an end, why go there in the beginning. People say they are waiting to see that he/she is right, when really you’re waiting to see if they will do wrong – hence you give yourself a pat on the back for not making it official. But what about the time ‘wasted’ before that. Now everyone will differ and you have to be sure, but sometimes there never is a right time. Before you know it instead of accepting and tolerating flaws, you use them as excuses and move on to the next one. But hey we have to remember our worth right.
It’s the curse of the title. When things start to change once you’re officially boyfriend and girlfriend (even saying it like that seems so old fashioned). Some become complacent, whilst others slowly let their true colour show. You can see why some wait before making it official, but does it all become excuses? A person will always show their true colours over time, but that time span varies as much as people vary. That honeymoon phase is the main reason you decide it’s worth it, but why change once you're in a secure relationship. Attitude and personality changes that happen just because time has passed, are the main reason things feel different. Both sides need to consistently remember their partners worth and continue to act the same way they were at the beginning. Even when you know you’ve got them, act like you’re still trying to get them and that's a two way thing.
Don’t confuse being comfortable with complacency, you should be comfortable enough to be yourself with your partner but being complacent is how most become too relaxed and unappreciative of each other. Both sides need to check themselves, remember why you got together in the first place (not that, that should always be the only thing keeping you together, i'll explain that another time) be active in showing each other you care and communicate.
For every situation just remember the fundamentals and take it from there.
For every situation just remember the fundamentals and take it from there.
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