Thursday 29 January 2015

AWOL | Life update

So I'm you know like checking on my blog and seeing that woah wait it's been almost a month since I last posted I know not cool right. Don't get bored of me yet guys, honestly I've just been hibernating. Where's Rachel been? Everywhere! Like as you can imagine balancing work and studying is already a myth and to be honest it's really hard to find someone willing to take photos, these days I'm behind the camera shooting for others. BUT ANYWAY. Long story short even in these long cold dark days I'll be back. It's so cliche to say but literally stay tuned y'all theres some goodies coming from me to you oh so very soon.

Oh side note below are some pics from a very impromptu night out, I had so much fun, let my hair down literally and even managed to win at bowling booyah.! Casual outfit as I didn't know what was planned and yeah messy hair after some hardcore games loool.

Hope you likey


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