Friday 28 November 2014

First things first

I appreciate those who appreciate my work,  and love the fact that y'all love the photos, as I myself take pride in my work and efforts. I didn't hesitate to put the photos up as soon as I could but that seems to be the issue.
Any photos I've placed not on this blog but Instagram has a logo placed on it. Unlike most watermarks or logos on photography I placed mine somewhere that didn't interfere with the photos out of preference and just to make the photo look better.

Now if you are going to reuse photos or repost them even, it is common courtesy to leave that mark where it is or give a photo cred where due. I didn't make this a point earlier because I thought it was just something a person would know. I'll take some blame in this and for that reason until all the photos are watermarked as needed, the runway post will be disabled till then.

You made me do this people ha.

It will be back soon and with more photos y'all.

R .xo

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