Saturday 1 November 2014


We all know Halloween was yesterday.

I don't actually celebrate it, nothing against it just wasn't brought up too. But anyway so I was there Relaxing in bed and scrolling through social media as you would do and I thought hey! I'm kind of bored let me mess around with make up ha.

So I'm like the cat of my group, forever in black, with my winged liner and feline antics. (They also call me a spider but hey I think I can work better being a cat) I thought I don't want to be a generic cat let me actually work on it.

As soon I finished I realised I should have photographed the stages sorry y'all but here's the finished look anyway. No face paints just make up and it was quite simple and quick to do 
All you really need is;
A black pencil/liquid liner
Black white and brown eyes shadow or something similar
Just call me nala. Flipped my hair over and boom ha. Photos aren't great but as I said I was just messing around so yeah.

Hope you likey 

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