Saturday 27 December 2014

12 Days of Christmas | Day 3


I finally got my boots y'all yaaaaay! They still aren't as high as I would like them to be but hey I got my babies and that's all that matters, I missed out on a pair H&M did and have been living in regret since, y'all know how it is I was literally haunted and have been searching ever since. Took a trip to the west end and they were honestly comfortable and easy to walk in the whole way. No I didn't go out like this but my black leggings got in the way of the photos so yes I stripped. I love this jumper and honestly i've been trying to feature it for like ever but it's all good you know I still likey. Any this is late so I'm keeping it short and sweet. Oh and talking about sweet see the Naija fanta down below just mmmmm.

Hope you likey
Jumper - H&M; Boots - La Moda

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