Monday, 23 February 2015

Thanks Pops

Those days when you raid daddy's wardrobe and find those dime pieces that you used to look back at in the family photo albums. My dad knows the deal if i'm eyeing an item and he doesn't wear it after a year it's officially mine. I wish both my parents kept a lot more than they did like honestly I look at some photos like 'ugh that cardi would be perfect with my Jonis' ah well I'm pretty sure a trip to Bricklane or such can solve that. 

But nothing beats vintage pieces that come from your parents, there's always some history involved.
This shirt was what my dad wore to the hospital the day I was born no lies. 20 years on it's still in good shape and just as awesome.

P.S. Pardon the little pooch, the shirt doesn't do well tucked in, I'm toned I promise

Hope you likey
R. xo 

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