Thursday 1 January 2015

New Year, New...

Just some of my selfies of the year 2014.

Happy New Year Everybody

New Layout, New website name (well kind of), New posts, New things to share! Everything brand new.

2014 was literally one of the most interesting, eventful and memorable years of my life. I travelled, changed jobs, progressed through uni, made friends, lost friends, passed exams, met new faces, made and found new connections, reached and surpassed goals, grew within myself but best of all I finally started blogging! 

It's more than common now but it's something that I still love doing, y'all can't get rid of me just yet. And oooo have I got some stuff in store for you. Obviously I am to please, new projects are arising, new posts of course, i'll be looking to interact a lot more and stay consistent with the blogging. It hasn't even been a year but i'm real excited for the prospects that lie ahead.
From you guys in the US to my own darlings here in the UK I appreciate anyone and everyone that has supported me in anyway shape and form. You're awesome.!

Once again happy new year.
Spread the news, share the blog but above all keep watching this space.

R .xo

Hope you likey

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