Monday 5 January 2015

Gentlemen & Gentlemen

I love menswear, you may not see me designing anything as such, but I can definitely appreciate great style and love seeing a guy look good. Luckily for guys they don't usually have to do a lot to look at least decent, but some style is just a lot more noticeable than others. There's not always a lot to accessorise with so the focus is usually very much on the actual clothing. I say menswear has seriously expanded and some trends really added to what guys feel comfortable wearing. You have the likes of A$AP Rocky and Kanye setting pace for other guys out there.
Style is always 'in opinion' I had fun doing these shots and putting together these two outfits. The slideshow shows so more shots done on the day.

Hope you likey. Love you all.
R .xo

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