Thursday 1 January 2015

2015 | First

The new year always gives everyone that new year kick, you know that motivation that you hope will last the year. Well I know a lot of people are aiming high so here's to a productive and successful year to all. So my people New years eve routine is and always has been church, such a blessed service this year. You know you have to have the 'new year outfit' I had been eyeing this jumper in Zara for ages it was never too pricey originally but you know i just waited it out a little and ended up getting it on sale, awesome! The slit detail and the thickness are just so yum the rest of the outfit just kind of fell in line. I did my own make up.! Not like I don't always, like every day but you know I was proud of the outcome. These lashes mmmm anything that exaggerates my eye shape is a winner. Anyway without going on, loads of pics couldn't help it. Check out the slide for more pics. 

 Hope you likey. Love you guys. 

Jumper - Zara; Leggings - H&M; Lipstick; A rachel mixture ha.
 And look what mama did she made this huge like honestly huge fish for when we came back mmmm.

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