Saturday, 1 November 2014


So I started writing this post and thought let me add some visuals you know a bit of something to look at. On Google started typing and please look at what came right up.

I knew it was something that was said a lot especially with Instagram jumping on the bandwagon too but oh wow I actually laughed at how ironic is was.

Slide into my DM’s and I'm like, “be gone”. Obviously we hear those cases where a guy or usually a girl is too quick to go off on one and assume that they are being approached in the DM’s, when really it was something a little more genuine, either way the DMs are hostile, volatile and kind of ‘risky’ to enter.

But not everyone is trying to get at you that way.

Don’t get me wrong if some random person @’s me it’s like oh, then if they enter the DMs it’s like oh okay here we go. That initial mentality probably won’t go away but I try not to act on it too fast.
People respond to the information that you put out in your tweets, your bio and sometimes through what you retweet and favourite. Not saying you can know a person just through those things but it does give someone a rough idea. From the information I've placed in my bio and considering what I tweet in general, I should really expect ‘random’ (like people who aren't following me) people to @ me or even follow, and then DM me.

Getting to the point, don’t be easy when dealing with DM’s but be civil. If someone hasn't given you a reason to hit back then try not to be so hostile. Your DM’s aren't that personal, this person isn't on your line nor are they banging your front door down. If your approached in the wrong way Ray Charles the message, people stress but it really isn't by force to answer anything or anyone. Someone who is serious (as in has a genuine question or something) probably won’t beat around the bush and will ask you there and then. Some people will mmm and ahh about this but I've made some genuine friends, associates and links just by dealing with the DM’s in the right way but each to their own.

If it’s something along the lines of, I want to get to know you, or your avi is cute or even anything remotely ‘slide into your DM’ish’ then by all means do you. Remember though, social media has different uses and there may be some genuine individuals who may want to know more about your course, work that you do, skills you said you have etc. there could be an opportunity that comes from the interaction, so I would say don't be to quick to assume the worst. If you don’t feel comfortable just because it is your DM’s then get them to email you instead, (could be a deterrent), although I don’t see the difference. It may get rid of that whole story of  ‘yeah we met in my DM’s’

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