Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Public VS Private

Don’t get me wrong, your life is your business and you're not obliged to let anyone know anything. If you and your partner knows what it is then that’s always most important. But when do we get blind sighted by how open we should or could be with our relationships, in a time where social media rules.

There are definitely levels to being public and private. Public enough for people to know of your partners presence but private enough for no one to know your business. But finding that balance isn’t always easy, and that’s something I know first hand.
It’s always well and good when things are rosy…he’s your babe; she’s yours but sometimes the things that follow aren’t always the sweetest. Times when the break-up has you deleting half of your pictures on Instagram or changing your ‘@’ on twitter, those are the instances where you wish you never were so public about it. Unless you’re friends or at least mutual afterwards, the pictures of you together at dinner or whatever aren’t always welcome.
But when does private become too private. Every person would rightfully want to show off his or her partner there’s a sense of pride, joy and content with knowing that they are with yours your other half and you may want people to know that.

As I said there are levels to it. Some things shouldn’t be considered too deeply, but some will say it is questionable that every other picture on your Instagram for example, is of you and him, and you are nowhere to be seen on his. Not to conclude that something is up if he doesn’t, maybe he doesn't post a lot; he may have your name in his bio and sometimes that’s more than enough. Regardless, what you can see is where some of these issues arise; is there is a balance between how you show and represent each other, does there need to be?  Don’t be too quick to react or start something, taking everything with a pinch of salt will make everything that much easier.

A woman should never feel hidden or irrelevant in her partners life and vice versa. If you feel like you aren’t being ‘claimed’ chances are there is a reason for it and most times it seems like 'who don't you want to know?'. Its not always that simple, but it is logical.
Parents’ not knowing is always an iffy one that stems a lot deeper at times and if you aren't at the stage don't stress on trying to force it to happen. With that said, would he/she introduce you to their parents? If you’ve never questioned that, think about it or better yet ask your partner and see how they react and what they say.

You don’t always need to broadcast your relationships especially if you are some who changes partners regularly, that goes without saying. People will always talk regardless but sometimes don’t give them something to talk about. ‘The proof is in the pudding’ let your relationship speak louder than your words. If people do find out have no shame in embracing what you have and never make the mistake to deny it, it’s your choice to respond to peoples questions how you want to. The more serious the relationship becomes the more comfortable and secure you can be in being more open with it if you chose to.

The main point to remember is you should never be denied, hidden or made a secret by your partner, whatever excuse they give its not mysterious and sexy don’t be fooled. When it boils down to it you should be proud of who you call your other half and they likewise should be proud to claim you and let others know you’re theirs. Balance in a relationship is always key alongside other factors. You control what people know and see about your relationship. Don’t allow yourselves to be the talk of the town.

A good relationship will speak volumes and leave people wondering and wanting what you have.

Sometimes saying nothing at all says it all.

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