There’s no time like the present and we all know life is too short, so where does this level of procrastination come from and why does it have such a strong effect.
I don’t know one person in this world who is immune to procrastinating. We all do it be it that extra 5 minutes browsing Instagram or the hour we spend watching Orange is the new black – to be fair its not our fault its so good. Either way the idea is clear some level of procrastination is ‘healthy’, but when does it become a hindrance?
I reached a point in life where I had an epiphany a really strong one too. As short as life is, it really is long enough for someone to do all they wish to do. Factor out variables like money, resources and things that may make it harder and essentially everything is possible. So why is it so common for a person to feel like they didn’t get to do it all.
That’s how I came to the idea of checkpoints.
Now checkpoints are both good and bad. You can use them as a gauge to keep yourself on track and monitor your progress. At the same time they can be bad. There’s no point of using ‘life checkpoints’ as a method of when you will start to do something, see it like this…“At the age of 21 I will start a business” or “At the end of summer I will begin practising for me theory”. Its so easy to put things off and feel like your life is sorted because you’ve made these mental checkpoints, when in all honesty most times we know life just doesn’t go to plan.
So here are some things to do.
- Make a list: Yes you can make a list, but make it a practical one, a REALISTIC one. There’s no point of putting too much on your list that expires in a short space of time. You’re likely to be disappointed if you don’t complete it all and can easily end up with quantity over quality in you results.
- Prioritise: Think about what means more, what needs to be done first, and what you have to do before you can move on to the next goal/level.
- Remember you’re human: Life won’t always go to plan, and you cannot control what happens around you. Have a plan B think of where to go and what to do if things don’t work out straight away and don’t give up.
- Start now: Unless you’re physically restrained, put your plans into motion today. Tomorrow because, next month and then that becomes the next year. You can’t fail at what you haven’t tried. There will be satisfaction in knowing you gave it a go. Don’t be afraid of the unknown, fear doesn’t know success and wont fulfil your dreams.
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