Tuesday 19 August 2014

Prints & Photos

So sometime last week I met up with a friend for some food (as usual) around the lovely Bricklane. Now I love the area but sadly it’s not somewhere I get to go to that often. So a nice day and such, walking around, as you would do, and a guy and lady stopped us, asking if we wanted to take some photos for their brand modelling their sunglasses.

Wouldn’t have said no to be fair! The shades were too cute and surprisingly suitable for both sexes. I had just bought this kimono which for me if quite a change, for one it’s partially red and patterned. I love my patterns but I love wearing black more. There’s no in-between with me really, but I'm working on it.

So yeah the pictures show my outfit for the day, without the kimono we were almost matching. It was a casual day so obviously kept it simple. The jeans are available but I experimented with some DIY and ripped them myself.

The pictures they used were black and white but I’ve put some in colour for you to see the detail a bit better. Enjoy!

Photographer: Lee Siwoo. Instagram: ssudro

Sunglasses - Trenta
Kimono – Dorothy Perkins
Jeans (modified) – Topshop
Vest dress – H&M
Necklace - Primark

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