Sunday, 12 October 2014

Travelling light

So took a trip back to London this week to celebrate a little bit with my papa for his birthday. I absolutely hate travelling with too much luggage unless its necessary.  I’m known for going around with a very large bag usually because I just feel odd without one and small bags are so foreign to me. Obviously as it goes for travelling you have to be comfortable right. So when I saw this bag in a vintage shop in Amsterdam I just fell in love. For only 10 euros it was an absolute bargain and I knew I would get some good usage out of it. It’s got so many compartments and is proper spacious as well.

Two pieces and jumpsuits make me happy. These come as separate pieces but tucked it look just like a jumpsuit. I love the fact that you can mix and match the sizes (for those more top or bottom heavy I’m sure you can understand the struggle with one-pieces and jumpsuits). This geo-print to piece is perfect. You can wear each part separately which helps to have a wider wardrobe with less pieces. In this weather layering is beyond necessary and it helps for if and when you get flustered running about for trains buses and tubes. Flat shoes go without saying when travelling. I love these patent ones (featured before) because they aren’t too flat but comfortable and flexible.

Hope you likey.

Top – Dorothy Perkins
Jogger trousers – Dorothy Perkins
Jumper – New Look
Shoes – Topshop
Bag - Vintage

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