Saturday, 28 March 2015

Ciao.! From what was Torino. So guys (& Girls) I have been away for quite some time in March, I decided to treat myself and do more than party for my 21st Birthday and travel! The first trip on the agenda was to the beautiful city of Turin in Italy. Seeing as there are multiple cities to go to in Italy I guess this is one of the least likely places that people usual travel to when they go. It was totally worth it though, it wasn't "touristy" at all. The people are so lovely and we got a real good gist of the area and the people. I went with my mama and my little bro who both deserved a little treat too. The highlight had to be the food! (and the scenery obviously). Oh my gosh I ate well.! It was a short stay but honestly I didn't mind, we made the most of the time we had and enjoyed it well. Everything was so authentic, the hotel was amazing (NH Ligotto Torino) and everything was so close - like literally the shopping mall was across the road. The weather wasn't great but to be honest almost everywhere is better than the UK and it didn't rain like it was meant to.!

I was going to split this into two posts but thought nah I've still got so much to show y'all and update you on. I've got VLOGs that I need to upload as well once I get my channel up and running. You get a taste of most of the area here anyway, from the gym we didn't use, to the fly breakfast we had each morning.

Anyway I've missed you guys, Thanks for staying posted.!

Hope you likey
R. xo
They had the most beautiful artwork all over the hotel.

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